Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hair Loss In Dogs(Alopecia)

Alopecia is the partial or complete lack of hair in areas where they are normally present.There are many causes of hair loss.Any disease that effect hair follicle can cause loss of hair.Alopecia may be hereditary or acquired.Acquire again may be inflammatory or non-inflammatory.
Hereditary Alopecia

: It is caused by lack of development of hair follicles e.g. Baldness of Dachshunds;Color dilution alopecia of Doberman Pinschers ;X-Linked ectodermal dysplasia in German shepherd ;Hairless breeds of dogs are Maxican Hairless, Chines Crested ,American Hairless Terrier.
Acquired Alopecia

: in this dog is born with normal hair coat & has normal hair follicles at one time but later on develops hair loss because of destruction of hair follicles.Diseases leading to acquired alopecia are:
Hyperadrenocortism( Cushing Disease):-

More common in Pomerians,Chows,Samoyeds.In this hair loss start at neck,tail,back of thighs & progresses to trunk; dog appears to have a 'puppy coat',skin darkens.Treatment is Mitotane,Deprenyl,Ketoconazole.
Hypoadrenocortism(Addison's Disease):

Treated with Prednisolone Sod. Succinate &Dexamethasone Sod.Phosphate.

Can be treated with Methimazole.

Hair loss starts at lower neck beneath the chin going to the brisket,at the side of body,back of thigh& at top of tail.Treatment is Thyroxin.

Rare disease in which female animal have excess of estrogen,can be caused by cancer of ovaries.There is symmetrical loss of hair & are easily removable;hair fall around perinium & genitals.Treatment go for Spaying.

This leads to thinning of hair in vulva & then will worsen and spread to whole body.Treatment is Estrogen replacement therapy.
Hormonal Imbalance:

Hair loss is on neck,tail & back of thighs,skin darkens.Treatment is use of growth hormone like Melatonin.
Hair loss during Pregnancy & Lactation:

There is sudden & widespread hair loss.Hair will grow back after period of pregnancy & lactation is over.
Acanthosis nigricans:

Inherited form seen in Dachshunds.Secondary form caused by friction showing scratching & hair loss.Secondary form can be treated by Steroids & Vit.-E supplementation.
Allergic & irritant dermatitis:

Skin get red,small blisters on areas of skin seen,itching & hair loss in chronic form.Treatment-restrict exposure to allergens & irritants, give steroids and antihistamines.

Dogs with continuously growing hair e.g.Poodles and Maltese,often lose hair.Treatment-None, but hair will start regrowing after discontinuation of chemotherapy.
Demedectic mange(Red mange/Puppy mange):

Caused by Demodex mite infection.There is loss of hair ,scalliness ,redness, pustules,ulcers , itching & darkening of skin.Treatment-Don't give Steroids.Give Amitraz dips to dog.
Flea allergy dermatitis(Flea bite hypersensitivity):

There is intense itching,redness,hair loss,papules,crusts,scales.Treatment-Control of fleas in environment & on dog.Use steroids & antihistamines for itching.

There are many species of lice that effect dogs.It leads to itching ,hair loss,crusts & rough hair coat.Treat the dogs with Pyrethrin,Ivermectin & Permethrin.

Symptoms are itching,redness,hair loss,greasy scales,severe infections leads to hyperpigmentation.Treat with Ketoconazole,Miconazole & shampoos.
Nasal solar dermatitis:

This is due to hypersensitivity to sun rays.Treatment-Avoid direct sun rays & use topically Corticosteroids solutions on effected parts.
Pressure sores:

Generally lesions occurs over bony prominences like elbows.Initially areas appears red,hairless and progress to draining ulcers & may become infected.Treatment-Keep area clean and prevent contact with urine.Provide soft beddings.Give antibiotics and do bandage over effected parts.

Occurs due to infection with several type of fungus.There is hair loss,scaliness,crusts,pustules,vesicles,itching,draining nodules called Kerion.Treatment-Miconazole,Lime sulphur dips,orally tab. Griseofulvin or Itraconazole.
Sarcoptic mange:

It is due to infection with Sarcoptes mites.Symptoms are intense itching,self trauma,hair loss,papules,crusts & scales.Treatment is Amitraz(Mitaban) dips,Ivermectin.

Clinical signs are scales,dry or oily coat depending on the type,odor,some scratching,hair loss.Treat underlying cause if present; antiseborrheic shampoos;fatty acid supplementation.
Vit-A responsive dermatosis:

This may not be actual due to deficiency of Vit-A,but does respond to increase level of Vit-A in diet.More common in Cocker Spaniels.Symptoms are Seborrea,odor,hair pulls out easily,pads of feet thickened,thick scales on chest & abdomen specially around nipples.Treatment is supplementation of Vit-A for lifetime.
Zinc responsive dermatosis:

Clinical signs are crusting,scaling,redness,hair loss,sometimes oily skin and secondary bacterial infections are common.Treatment-Correct any dietry deficiencies,use medicated shampoos & treat secondary infections.
It is best to use dog shampoos that promotes hair growth in dogs such as Ectokyl,Malaseb,Oxydex,Petban.Shampoos that promotes hair growth in dogs has vitamins & minarets which boosts the dog nutrients to bring back the life & shine to their hair.Generally use of dog shampoo is the first choice to save dog from being hairless But always consult your Pet' VET. before any kind of treatment.



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