Friday, December 18, 2009

Toilet Train a Cat

Toilet training for a cat sounds a hard task to accomplish. But if the cat owner wants a litter free house toilet training should be imparted to a cat. Though cat toilet training is a sluggish procedure, and unlike any other thing this too requires time and effort. Teaching a cat to use the toilet can hold numerous benefits for any cat owner. The first and the foremost advantage one can experience is to get rid of cat litter as cat litters are expensive and they need to be cleaned regularly else it emit smells.

To teach a cat to use the toilet needs certain steps to be followed such as one should gradually moves ones cat litter box nearer to the toilet while ensuring that the cat is comfortable with the litter’s box’s location. The cat owner should move the litter box and put something like cardboard or newspaper underneath the litter box. One should raise the cat litter box until it is at a level height with the toilet bowl, but one has to be attentive and increase the height slowly and gradually so that the cat can adjust himself with the changes.

One should move the litter box to rest on the open toilet seat and it should be kept there until the cat seems comfortable with the change done.
The next step involves is to buy a metal bowl that fits inside the toilet bowl and fill it with cat litter and then slowly remove the litter box entirely. One should keep a notice to where the paws of a cat are, when the cat is using this metal bowl as this will lead to the following step to teach the cat to crouch with all four paws on the toilet seat frame.

One should make sure to clean the bowl after every use and the use of cat litter should be lessened. It is advisable to use a flushable cat litter. And slowly and gradually one should decrease the amount of cat litter while keeping in mind that cat should be comfortable with the change and then the cat litter can finally be replaced with water.

The only thing one has to remember is to be attentive and watch ones cat’s behaviour through the entire process.

Now-a-days there are numerous toilet training kits available in the market which can prove to be a help to cat owners. The only thing the cat owner should follow while imparting the training to the cat that he has to keep his patience as the successful results of the training totally depends upon the cat’s personality and training steps should be imparted slowly and gradually.